Project Description
AKM prepared MNWD’s Recycled Water Master Plan and Hydraulic Model Manual, and conducted an optimization study, which resulted in the selection of the future conversion of potable customers. Moulton Niguel Water District’s recycled water service area covers 36.5 square miles. The system includes 6 open pressure zones, 10 closed zones, 144 miles of pipe (4” to 30” in diameter), 11 operational storage reservoirs, 12 booster pump stations, 19 pressure regulating facilities, 4 interconnections with adjacent agencies, one regional seasonal storage facility, and over 1,300 active service meters. The scope of work included market and demand assessment, and future supply analyses taking into consideration potential sewage diversion, water conservation, and future development. AKM developed a calibrated hydraulic model, conducted condition assessment of the vertical assets, existing and future system analyses with seasonal storage fill and draw scenarios, and provided a comprehensive phased capital improvement program. AKM also developed the “optimal” recycled water project for MNWD’s future system, which optimized the use of recycled water, while providing reasonable conversion costs, including potable makeup water costs..