Project Description
Pump Station No. 2 is one of four (4) storm water pump stations owned and operated by the City of Cypress. It pumps the tributary runoff to Carbon Creek Channel. The City’s Master Plan of Drainage Update, completed by AKM in 2007, determined that three of these pump stations, including Pump Station No.2 could not provide the flood protection in accordance with the established criteria (expected value 100-year flood).
AKM completed a preliminary design report in 2008, which evaluated alternative solutions, and recommended a project with an in-line detention basin on Myra Avenue, tributary storm drain system, and upgrading of the existing pump station at the existing capacity, utilizing its existing wet well. This alternative was selected because the existing pump station is located on a very narrow lot with adjacent residences on both sides; and the groundwater is only 3 feet below existing ground surface. Any deep dewatering would have placed the adjacent houses in jeopardy. An alternative was to purchase two adjacent properties and construct a deeper facility. However, the City could not find willing sellers. The in-line detention basin was sized as 1,350 feet of 14’ (W) x 4.5’ (H) reinforced concrete box. The in-line detention basin was designed as pre-cast reinforced concrete boxes to minimize the inconvenience to the residents of the area.
AKM prepared pre-purchase specifications for the pumps, and the variable frequency drives, to allow completion of the pump station during the dry period.
AKM provided bidding support, and complete construction inspection and management services for the construction of the pump station, in-line detention basin, and the tributary storm drain system.