Project Description
The City of Corona desired to replace 3,600 acre feet per year of imported Colorado River water with groundwater pumped from the Temescal Sub-Basin by improving the quality of the groundwater for use as potable water.
The project included two new wells to provide an additional 3.5 MGD water; and a selective resin ion exchange treatment facility to remove the elevated inorganic chemicals (nitrate and perchlorate) in the groundwater. The major project components include:
- Two (2) 18” diameter groundwater wells
- Pre-filtration consisting of two (2) cartridge type filters.
- Ion Exchange Treatment System (selected per Title 22 outlines) using high capacity strong base anion exchange resins
The project included design of the backwash to sewer system and regenerate to the SARI brine disposal line. Water quality mass balance calculations (effluent and bypass flows) of discharge to SARI (permit requirement) were calculated based on supply well samples taken by City staff. Upon project commissioning additional samples were taken to prove permit compliance. AKM also provided engineering services during bidding and construction of the projects.