Where Outstanding Projects Become Reality
Project Description
AKM provided construction management and inspection services during the construction of the Myra Stormwater Pump Station No. 3 Reconstruction Project.
The Project involved:
- Construction of temporary gravity bypass piping and removal of the existing pump station inlet line
- The construction of a new 4.5-foot by 4.5-foot reinforced concrete box (RCB), a new reinforced concrete trash rack structure, new reinforced concrete transition and junction structures
- The removal and salvaging of the existing pump station equipment and the installation of a temporary bypass pumping system
- Horizontal directional drilling for the installation of a new 3-inch stainless steel sump pump discharge pipe to the adjacent Carbon Creek Flood Control Channel, removal and reconstruction of the existing pump station top slab
- Construction of new sections of 30-inch FBE lined and coated steel discharge piping
- The refurbishment of two (2) flap gates at the existing outfall structure within the Carbon Creek Flood Control Channel
- Construction of a new concrete masonry unit block and stucco coated pump station building
- Construction of a new reinforced concrete generator pad and installation of new 250 KW emergency generator set
- Installation of a new switchboard and SCE service transformer for new 480 volt electric service
- Installation of a new motor control center (MCC), pump station control panel, City furnished variable frequency drives (VFDs) and City furnished pumps
- Testing of the new pumps; construction of new concrete site paving
- Testing, startup and operator training.
Due to a high groundwater table, the project required the design, installation and maintenance of a continuous dewatering system to construct the subsurface reinforced concrete structures. To protect adjacent improvements, daily site settlement monitoring was required. The City procured an encroachment permit from OCFCD for work within the Carbon Creek Channel and the AKM Project Team coordinated all inspections with OCFCD Permit Inspectors as well as closeout of the permit.